Residential Services

Home Owners and Real Estate Agents


If you are purchasing a home that is on well water, it is highly recommended that you ensure the integrity of the well and the quality of its water. Many people who have lived in the city are unaware of what is required to maintain their well or protect it from potential contamination.

Home buyers and real estate agents are also not always aware that wells can be disinfected with bleach before a sample is taken to temporarily achieve a good potable report. Protect yourself and your family, have water quality testing done right!

Qualifications, Expertise and Integrity

We test for chlorine residuals prior to testing the water for Total Coliform and E.Coli (TC/EC) to determine if the well water has been tampered with. However, testing only for TC/EC does not provide enough information needed to assess well water quality. To ensure that you and your family are protected, our comprehensive well water analysis will provide a water quality assessment using the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards as a guideline. This will ensure that your well is protected from other potential contaminants or inform you if surface water is entering the well.

Well water analysis is important because many contaminants cannot be identified visually or by odour and that can make it difficult for private well owners to know the water quality. Brownlee Water Quality Management is here to help ensure there are no surprises with your water after a property purchase. Our service is fast, thorough and we can have a certificate of potability within 24 hours of sampling (additional microbiological analysis for faecal coliform and faecal strepotococci are 48 hours).

The more detailed water quality analysis will take approximately 5 business days and could be well worth including this time in your condition of sale. Understanding water and treatment is important because potable water does not mean quality water. Having well water thoroughly analyzed gives the reassurance and peace of mind for you and your family.

Our Services

Comprehensive and Unbiased


On-site digital chlorine testing

Pump flow rate

Sampling conducted by a certified operator

Lab administration and delivery

24 hours turnaround for potability report

Analysis of water by an accredited unbiased laboratory

Interpretation of lab analysis

Consultation to ensure safe and quality water if needed

Reach Us

E-mail us at any time or call during business hours.
Ottawa, Ontario



Monday to Friday
7:30 AM to 4:00 PM

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